12 days of Christmas Appeal
Use the Donate Button to donate to Thetford Foodbank with Paypal through Liberty Christian Family Centre Trust. You do not need a Paypal account to do this. After clicking on the donate Button, simply click on "donate with a card".
Thetford Foodbank operates as a restricted fund under Liberty’s charitable status. Please write ‘FOODBANK APPEAL’ in the section ‘add special instructions to Seller’.
Please if possible also complete and forward a gift aid form so we can claim gift aid on your donations (found on our foodbank Website Donate page).

To sign up to our Foodbank-19 Appeal and donate £19 a month please either:
Click the Donate button and simply tick the “Make this a monthly donation” box. Don't have PayPal? Sign up easily while entering your payment information. Remember to add “Foodbank-19 Appeal” to your instructions to seller.
Or, use the Foodbank bank details below to set up a standing order of £19 through online banking or in branch.
Name: Thetford Foodbank
Account No: 20338368
Sort Code: 30-98-58
Please also complete and forward a gift aid form so we can claim gift aid on your donations.